Doporučené knihy o fotografování
Přemýšlel jsem o tom jaké knihy bych doporučil začínajícím fotografům i profesionálním fotografům. Aby byly nejen přínosné, ale i inspirativní.
Read MoreNa co si dát jako architekt pozor při výběru fotografa?
Architekti, designéři jsou s fotografy architektury jedno. Proč se vám jako architektovi a designerovi vyplatí investovat do profesionálního fotograf architektury?
Read MoreProč se vyplatí investovat do profesionálního portrétu?
Tím jak se prezentujete budujete svoji osobní značku a to nejen, když posíláte životopis, připravujete profil na linked-inu, nebo se prezentujete na webu jako podnikatel, či oslovujete voliče na billboardu.
Read MoreJak zaujmout na sítích? Cinemagrafem!
Neustále hledáme něco originálního čím bychom klienty a spotřebitele zaujali. Toto by mohla být cesta. Cinemagraf.
Read MoreShooting The National Museum
Now I am pretty young, so when if someone had asked me how the national museum looked like 10 years ago I would probably only guessed and had to look at some retro image to get an idea.
Read MoreMaking a Narrative - My ultimate goal
As I keep progressing through the advertising world higher and starting to get bigger and bigger clients there is not much time left to do work for free, at least not for clients. When it's for me sure, I will work with a minimal budget to achieve the goal.
Read MoreShooting for Grand Hyatt
I feel that I always start with the weather. It must be, because I am from the north of the Czech Republic so whenever I get to travel somewhere south I get excited. And opportunity to combine architecture, lifestyle and cinemagraph in a single project is always cool.
Read MoreOn Location - Qatar - Behind the Scenes
"When I first received the brief from YR agency in Qatar I knew immediately that I am the one for the job, and after a few days when the phone rang and I heard that I was awarded the job I think I fainted"
Read MoreNext Level CGI - Combining High Speed Action with CGI
When I heard that my friend from Inkoust Tattoo Lukáš Poláček is opening a shoe laundry in Prague (seriously how cool is that?!) I had to step in. Lukáš did not even plan to use me for promotional materials at first. So I got in touch with him and proposed a simple idea - let's shoot and clean shoe and shoot high speed action where dirt and liquids are flying everywhere, simple studio backdrop and that's it. He loved the idea, BUT....
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