How to choose a photographer for your hotel
At least once a year, every hotel needs to update its photos. And if you decide to change your photographer or are looking for a new one, it can be a stressful affair. So how do you choose the right one and what to look out for?
How to prepare your Hotel for a photoshoot Part 2.
In the last part, we talked about how to get inspired before taking pictures of the hotel. What to consider and what technical elements of the hotel to check.
Now let's look at the specific places of the hotel and how to prepare them for the photoshoot.
Real estate versus architectural photography I need?
You're about to photograph a property and don't know what style of photos to choose. There are many professional photographers who shoot real estate, but they vary in quality and focus, so it's a good idea to be careful.
Why hire a professional photographer for real estate photography?
Whether you are a real estate agent or a private person selling real estate, it is always important to have it well photographed and nicely prepared text, this is the absolute basis. But how to choose the right photographer and what to look for?
When to buy and when not to buy photos from the photobank.
Photo banks are almost a part of our lives and besides paid ones you can also find quality photos on free photo banks. One of the reasons why people choose to buy from photo banks is the fast availability and many times the price.
How to present yourself with photos
Digitalisation is moving the world and is this year's theme of the Association of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Whatever business you are in, you will have encountered the need to present your service product or you personally in some way. Have you looked at the competition in your industry and want those photos too? Have you wondered how these photos are created and how much work goes behind it? I've been in commercial photography for over seven years, and we've put together an overview of how to better present yourself and when photos from your phone and when photos from a professional come in handy. Here we go.
How to prepare a hotel for a photo shoot. Part 1
You have chosen a photographer for your hotel and you know what places in the hotel you want to photograph. But how do you ensure the perfect result? A lot of things can be edited in photoshop, but even that has limited options and if you want the photo to look realistic, then it takes a little preparation. Yes most things can be edited on the spot, but it wastes precious time.
How to Capture Professional Architectural Photography?
Professional architectural photography has the power to sell a space and capture the attention of potential clients. You’ve invested hundreds of thousands into stunning interiors, and the photos should reflect that.
Recommended books for photographers
I've been thinking about what books I would recommend to aspiring photographers and professional photographers. To be not only useful but also inspiring.