Real estate versus architectural photography I need?

You're about to photograph a property and don't know what style of photos to choose. There are many professional photographers who shoot real estate, but they vary in quality and focus, so it's a good idea to be careful.

We always want to know from clients what style of photography they require, but sometimes it's hard to know the terminology. That's why we have prepared a small overview. But don't worry, any professional architectural photographer should be able to advise you and point you in the right direction.


Real estate photos

Real estate photography aims to quickly photograph a space for sale or long-term lease. The emphasis is on speed of shooting and processing of photos. Furthermore, the price and quality of the photos.

This means that if you are selling an apartment or house and need to put up a listing quickly, then these photos are for you.


Main features of real estate photography:

Time - quick shooting of the premises and quick submission of the final photos

the photo captures everything, showing the layout of the space and what you can find where

minimal post-production

low cost compared to architectural photography

no waiting for the best time of day

short lifetime of the photos ( max 3 months), after the sale of the property you will not use them anymore

Purpose of real estate photos:

selling a house, apartment or land

long-term rental of the property.

for advertisement on the web

Architectural photography

Architectural photography aims to present a space in the best possible light so that the space succeeds in the commercial world. Architectural photography should bring in commissions, lease the space for several years and actually make you money. After seeing the photographs, the customer should feel compelled to buy or visit the destination. Possibly document and capture the architect's vision as faithfully as possible in a more artistic form than real estate photography.

Main features of architectural photography:

Time - we take our time with photography, carefully choosing the angle and what to show. If possible, we wait for the right time of day. Part of the shoot includes staging, where we tweak the furniture and small details to make it all look perfect to the eye.

Post production is another element to fine tune the photo. Post production can take up to a week.

The photo doesn't show everything - the angles are tighter, there's no need to show that here's the toilet, here's going into the hallway. The photo captures the design with an eye on emotion.

The price is higher compared to real estate photos. But photography is meant to make money in the long run, so it has a commercial reach.

Long life photographs last up to 5 years, or a lifetime.

The purpose of architectural photographs:

  • Presentation of spaces for developers, architects, designers

  • Suitable for selling rooms, hotels, guest houses, restaurants, etc.

  • To bring in new clients and customers

  • To showcase your work and space

  • For web and printed materials

night exterior photography Obelisk amazingplaces.JPG

These are the main features of real estate and architectural photography, if you are still not sure what style to choose, feel free to contact us and we will be happy to help you.


How to prepare your Hotel for a photoshoot Part 2.


Why hire a professional photographer for real estate photography?